Using the OSMIC prototype
THE SERVER (in Perl)
We assume that the server has been installed.
Go to the machine and directory in which the server resides,
and start it up.
Fire up emacs. It gives you a lot of splash screens and does not seem to be ready. However, when it seems to stop doing anything, type
You should now see a little animation saying that OSMIC is running, meaning the OSMIC client.
The main choices are: which server, and which document?
To get a document you have already started, type
If you want to start a new one (not necessarily a good idea, type
Both of these will bring the same response from the server.
It asks what machine, as follows:
If you're running the Emacs client on the same machine
as the server, hit return. Otherwise, backspace through the characters
"localhost" and give the Internet name of the machine that's running the
OSMIC client. For instance,
Now it asks
Note: we recommend that at the present time you always use the same document name, since in the present version there is no way to combine materials from one document to another, though you can always go to vastly different "versions" under the same document name.
The system will then connect, and if all goes well, you're
The transclude operation is invoked explicitly. The user selects a portion to be transcluded, and then selects another version to transclude into.
The number of cuts required are as follows: