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Re: [zzdev] Re: July's wish list (resend)-- There's lots more

>Cut what from where?  In MacWrite, text is on the `page', and `cut'
>removes it from the `page' and copies it to the Clipboard.


I have a lot of documents whose contents I'd like to migrate
 to ZigZag.  Copy and paste (not cut) is the usual tool.
 (For my loathing of the Clipboard as generally constituted,
 see my Web manuscript, "Today's Horrible Computer World,"
 ca. next week.)

>I really thought it was bizarre to see this request from someone who
>hates the `electronic paper' model as much as you do.

Not for the cell tissue, just for the text contents.


At 07:57 PM 11/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> COPY, CUT and PASTE operations.  
>Those doesn't really make sense in ZigZag. 
>Cut what from where?  In MacWrite, text is on the `page', and `cut'
>removes it from the `page' and copies it to the Clipboard.
>In ZigZag, there's no `page' and no global notion of `location'.  Each
>group of cells imposes its own local geometry.  You don't need to
>`remove text from the page'.  You just want to disconnect some cells
>from the group.  The `break link' command already does that:
>	A1 -- A2 -- A3 -- A4
>	|     
>	B1 -- B2 -- B3 -- B4
>Let's `cut' the B cells out of this picture.  They don't need to `go'
>anywhere; all that's necessary is for us to break the link from A1 to
>B1 and they've been `cut'.
>Similarly, `paste' makes no sense.   If there are cells, and you want
>to include them in some structure, you don't paste them into place;
>instead, you make a link.  
>I already did `copy', but it's not like the conventional `Copy' that's
>part of cut-copy-paste.  With `their' copy, you have to say where you
>want to copy it to.  In ZigZag, you don't copy to anywhere; you just
>I really thought it was bizarre to see this request from someone who
>hates the `electronic paper' model as much as you do.
Theodor Holm Nelson, Visiting Professor of Environmental Information
 Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
 Home Fax from USA: 011-81-466-46-7368  (If in Japan, 0466-46-7368)
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Permanent: Project Xanadu, 3020 Bridgeway #295, Sausalito CA 94965
 Tel. 415/ 331-4422, fax 415/332-0136  
PERMANENT E-MAIL: ted@xxxxxxxxxx
Quotation of the day, 98.11.01:
"Life and death are both hereditary."  TN59