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:zz: Ranks (was: Re: STILL NOT WORKING

"Rank" is the generalized term for "row" and "column",
 ie a row is a rank, a column is a rank, and so is the
 equivalent in any further dimension.  (I get this usage from
 Kenneth Iverson's APL language of the 60s.)

Thus a rank is an *ordered set*--  except--

However, a rank may be a loop.  This does not
 change the directionality of the dimension, but
 I'm not sure if it counts as an ordered set any more.

Already a number of scientists have shaken their heads
 and mumbled nervously about this.  We don't know any
 formal description that fits in known mathematics.  But,
 like the platypus, its purpose was not to fit in a known
 category, but to be itself !-)  With integrity and unity.


At 10:32 AM 10/26/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> Operations--
>> - Chug (detach all connections of a rank, move it posward or negward,
>> reattach)
>> - Shear (detach one side of a rank's connections, move this side posward or
>> negward, reattach)
>I'm glad you explained these, because now maybe I can help.  But I'm
>not quite sure what a `rank' is.  SUppose I have this picture:
>	A-B
>	  |
>	  C
>	D-E
>	  |
>	  F
>I guess that E and F are in the same rank, and B and C are in the same
>rank.  But are B and E in the same rank?
>I also think you're missing one operation here.  It might not make
>sense, but I needed it this week:
>  - Rotate (detatch one side of a rank's connections in one dimension
>            and reattach them in a different dimension)
>Here's a picture of it: This is a side view.  * is the rank you want
>to rotate.  It looks like * because you are looking at it end-first.  It
>is attached to some
>                 ,--.
>larger structure \  | with a link -.
>                  `-'
>	,--.          +---> d.u
> 	\  |-*        |
>	 `-'          v d.v
>	,--.          +---> d.u
> 	\  |          |
>	 `-'          v d.v
>          |
>          *
>This is a rotate of the * part from +d,u to +d.v.
>Note that the large structure has not changed or moved; the entire
>rank has revolved around it.
>I want this because yesterday I made column of cells and linked them
>+d.1ward from another column.  Then I said `oops, I meant to do that
>in d.inside, not d.1'.  But there was no way to change it without
>rilinking the cells one at a time.
>Perhaps once `mark' works `rotate' will be unnecessary, because then
>the operation will be
>	mark the cells
>	break the links to the marked cells all at once
>	make the new links to the marker cells all at once
>I could live with that. 
Theodor Holm Nelson, Visiting Professor of Environmental Information
 Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
 Home Fax from USA: 011-81-466-46-7368  (If in Japan, 0466-46-7368)
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Quotation of the day, 98.10.28:
"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is
comprehensible."  Albert Einstein