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Re :zz:Browser Output

Sounds like good work.

>But add "Documenting Module Interface" to the list of things
>I have to do after 15 November when school's out, OK?

DEFinitely !-)


At 05:12 PM 10/10/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Just so everybody knows where we are in relation to things ...
>I finished the "Modularizing" this morning - all the stuff that
>needs access to cells goes through one interface, all the stuff
>that needs access to the input/output goes through another
>Being in a hell of a hurry I haven't documented either of
>those interfaces, but Xanni shouldn't have trouble figuring
>it out - it's just whichever functions are exported from each
>module and he already knows the function args because there's
>nothing much new.
>But add "Documenting Module Interface" to the list of things
>I have to do after 15 November when school's out, OK?
>: --Neophilic-Hacker-Grrl-Geek-Eclectic-Gay-Disabled-Boychick--
>: gossamer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  http://www.tertius.net.au/~gossamer/
>: When things come to the worst, they generally mend.
>: -- Susanna Moodie
Theodor Holm Nelson, Visiting Professor of Environmental Information
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Quotation of the day, 98.10.11:
"Life really IS an amusement park.  The choices are agonizing, you don't
have enough money, you'll have to leave soon, and mostly you're standing in
line for short rides."  TN98