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Re: May I send your ZZ URLs to 'The Economist'?

[sorry, this was mislaid in a backed-up December email set]

Hi Les--

Thanks!  Will do so and put out the URLs to the ZZ development
 mailing list.  You might want to get on it, but it's mainly full of the
 GzigZag work-- at

>I'll put some more explanation on my pages, and try and point more to
>Gzigzag. Where is that going, by the way? What is the thrust of its

It's going full throttle, under the agenda of young Thomas Lukka-- who
 became famous in Finland for getting his Ph.D at age 20.  He's a sweet,
 radiant kid with full hacker energy and a determined vision which is not
 fully known to me.  

We have agreed that it will meet my specs, but I don't know when.
 The specs are for the "Floating World" extensions, written up at

The main thrusts of that project appear to be:
1)  Making it fast and robust in Java;
2)  Going to a self-compiling version, which he calls "bootstrapping"
 (I don't fully understand this);
2)  Satisfying various concerns I don't quite understand;

Meanwhile, I'm thinking carefully about my next set of specs.

All best, Ted

At 10:29 AM 11/19/00 +0000, you wrote:
>On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Ted Nelson wrote:
>> I didn't hear back how you feel about publishing them.
>> 'The Economist is supposedly doing a profile on me on 9 Dec.
>>  Deadline looms.  I think they'd love to include a mention of
>>  your work, since that brings it home to the UK.
>> What think?
>Yes that's fine.
>I'll put some more explanation on my pages, and try and point more to
>Gzigzag. Where is that going, by the way? What is the thrust of its
>Leslie Carr
>Tel: +44 23 80594479		 URL: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~lac
>Dept of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton SO17
Theodor Holm Nelson              
Project Professor, Keio University SFC Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
Visiting Professor, University of Southampton, England
 ?  e-mail: ted@xxxxxxxxxx   ?  world-wide fax 1/415/332-0136
 ?  http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~ted/    ?  http://www.xanadu.net
 ? Coordinates in USA      Tel. 415/ 331-4422
  Project Xanadu, 3020 Bridgeway #295, Sausalito CA 94965