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Re: [zzdev] Some smaller notes

Tuomas Lukka schrieb:
> Wow, that's definitely a Java bug.
> If you can find out what exactly is happening, that
> would help; run with
>         -dbg ZZKeyBindings1
> after foo.Main on the command line and record the output of when you press
> whatever key.

Okay, here's the relevant part of the output. Note that the single-char
KEYTEXT parts are what I *really* pressed, while the kt: and the
Alt-<Char> KEYTEXT parts are what I did *not* press. Looking into
ZZKeyBindings1, I agree it has to be a Java bug, and have no freaking
idea how to work around it... but there's hope that it's a Mac-specific
thing (can't test that at the moment).

KEYTEXT: 'y', was by kt: 'Z' and by char: '90'
PERF: 'y'
CREATEDIM: d.bind ex: true
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
BINDING: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e8d53e
KEYTEXT: 'z', was by kt: 'Y' and by char: '89'
PERF: 'z'
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
BINDING: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e8d07e
KEYTEXT: 'Alt-Alt', was by kt: 'Alt' and by char: '18'
PERF: 'Alt-Alt'
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
KEYTEXT: 'Alt-Z', was by kt: 'Z' and by char: '90'
PERF: 'Alt-Z'
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
BINDING: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e8c9de
KEYTEXT: 'Alt-Alt', was by kt: 'Alt' and by char: '18'
PERF: 'Alt-Alt'
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
KEYTEXT: 'Alt-Y', was by kt: 'Y' and by char: '89'
PERF: 'Alt-Y'
BIND CURS: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e80670 89
BINDING: fi.iki.lukka.ZZDimSpace$DimCell@e8d300

> Oh, 700 goes outside your screen? What's reasonable, 500? Or 450, then
> we'll also get the people who have 640x480

800*600 is my resolution, so 500 would work for me personally; but I'd
say you should use 450, because there are quite some 640*480 computers
out there, and as I said, making windows bigger is much less of a problem.

> I'm sorry I haven't time to look at your stuff in detail right now but
> will do so at first opportunity (possibly on weekend or next week).

Great, thanks!
- Benja