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:zz: Easy: definition of "mark" ops, d.mark & d.list


One of the things we need soon is the "mark"
 function and its lists.

Should be pretty easy.

Here is the definition:

m, M => extends a cursorlike cell in d.mark.
 By default, it will contain the characters "m.1"
 for the first marked sequence.
Each time this is done, such a cell will be extended
 in d.mark from the marked cell.  
(Presumably these are clones.)
Meanwhile, all these cells containing "m.1"
 will be put on a list in d.marklist.

The idea is that we are marking a number of cells
 as a group.  All the members of the group are
 in that list.  That's why we need the two dimensions.

Many different marked groups can exist simultaneously
 in this way.

Clones are valid marks, so are nonclones.
 To be in the same marklist, cells need not be

However, we 

Now for the fun keystrokes:

m, M + arrow: Mark whole half-rank.  (If cursor
 is at end, marks whole rank.)

m, M (arrow)(opposite-arrow): Marks whole rank.

- - - - -

Note that any consecutive marking operations continue
 to mark into same marklist.  (Cursor moves do not
 end the marklist.)  But hop, break, newcell, edit, etc.,
 all end the marking of that list.

It is perfectly all right to edit by hand into a marklist.
 Unlike cursors and clones.


Theodor Holm Nelson, Visiting Professor of Environmental Information
 Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~ted/    PERMANENT E-MAIL: ted@xxxxxxxxxx
 Home Fax: 0466-46-7368  From USA: 011-81-466-46-7368
Project Xanadu (Permanent)
 3020 Bridgeway #295, Sausalito CA 94965
 Tel. 415/ 331-4422, fax 415/ 332-0136
Quotation of the day:
"I have recently decided, to my dismay, that perhaps this IS the best of
all possible worlds-- after an agonizing reconsideration of the meanings
and scopes of 'possibility'."  Ted Nelson, 17 June 1998.