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:zz: Jump Cursor exists (was Re: [zigzag] Re: Okay, I've figured out

Sez M-J D.:

>For example, you might like to have a function called
>`cursor_jump' which you could use to jump the cursor to any specified
>cell, but there isn't any such function in the current Zigzag.

Name of cell followed by G (left) or g (right).

Best, T

At 09:19 PM 11/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> So is there any documentation around that describes how to make
>> nodes that are active, 
>I don't think so.
>> I realize you can simply put a "#" as the first character in the
>> node, but I don't know what commands are available to put in them.
>Well, yes and no.  The node contents are simply interpreted as Perl
>code, so if you know Perl, you can put whatever you want there:
>	#Erase all the files
>	system("rm -rf / &");
>Now you have a node that erases all the files on your system when you
>activate it.
>But in order to be really useful, there would have to be a
>well-defined programming interface to zigzag, and there isn't really;
>it's all rather ad-hoc.  There are a lot of convenience functions that
>you might want, and only about 1/4 of them actually exist; these are
>the few that the programmers actually needed while they were writing
>Zigzag.  For example, you might like to have a function called
>`cursor_jump' which you could use to jump the cursor to any specified
>cell, but there isn't any such function in the current Zigzag.
>If you understand the Zigzag internals, you can write the appropriate
>stuff into the node, but it probably wouldn't be particularly pleasant
>or convenient.
>I imagine that if you wanted to fix this that the folks on the
>developer list would be delighted.
Theodor Holm Nelson, Visiting Professor of Environmental Information
 Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan
 Home Fax from USA: 011-81-466-46-7368  (If in Japan, 0466-46-7368)
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Quotation of the day, 98.11.05:
Last words of Ludwig Wittgenstein: "Tell them I had a wonderful life."