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token word, a xanalogical system w/ micropayments online
Title: token word, a xanalogical system w/ micropayments
Good news, everyone!
Jason Rohrer has put "token word" up. This is
from his
paper http://hypertext.sf.net/token_word/token_word.pdf :
We describe token word,
a web-based xanalogical hypertext
system. Our system supports almost every core feature as-
sociated with Xanadu, an architecture that has been ac-
tively discussed for nearly forty years. Features include deep
quotation, unbreakable references, two-way reference chas-
ing, and frictionless micropayments that are backed by
world currency.
The system is available for
use and experimentation at
Rohrer says he wrote the
code, a Perl cgi script, in ten days.
It's open
The paper describes the
implementation. The feature set is very
basic, and the implementation
of transclusion is very basic,
but danged if it
P.S. Jeff, what's with the
sunless-sea.net/forum page? I don't
see recent messages showing
up there.